Money matters: Punches of Debts

Debt, who has not experienced having it? Who does not get pushed to a situation to have it?

Money says it all. Though some people say that money is not the most important thing in life, the paradox happens around us. People do everything just to keep their pockets full. Many even tries to do all means just covet it without considering the morality of the action. People dive, box, steal, swindle just for that thing. People want to live with comfort. Affluence is so influential today. Money pulls opportunities nearer to one. Just imagine one day; you realized that you have too much debt. What will you do? Hide or seek?

There are these effects which are less talked about but they are so true. If one’s debt pile up, it will really give a hard time to the individual. Just the thought of soaring bills, the soonest deadlines, the fines if one could not pay on time… All of these will really make one go mad. Not only mad but-

First, one’s self-esteem will trim down due to the thought that one is so bad to have allowed himself to be in that situation. This effect is proven by many situations. The sudden change in one’s grooming may tell. Keeping your confidence in this kind of scenario is a must. Letting go of one’s self-esteem may just ruin your entire life. The frustration of not making it well will really affect a person’s perception of his very self. He thinks he is the cause of the entire problem. Sometimes, past frustrations will also be opened again.

Stress is a major problem by modern-day people. When one is stressed out due to worrying about his debts, like what if he is going to be put behind bars due to it? These continuous thoughts will really disturb the person psychologically. This will give one anxious moment. Lose of appetite will follow soon. Sickness will follow. Not only lose of appetite but also lack of sleep because of thinking so hard will cause a person to get thinner. His resistance to physical challenges will not be good like it used to.

The most painful blow of having so much debt is the walls it will build within a family. Since you are so affected by the problem, you get irritated so easily. Family members will also share the sentiments, like frustration and shame. There are even times when you will blame each other for the misfortune. Arguments, complains and blames will bloom out of the blue. People involved will surely feel the pain of the situation. A family will be divided, a friendship may crack down. Worst, untoward cases of inflicting deeper degree of pain will be the consequence.

Life is a gamble. WE cannot have everything but we can do something n order to set the path we want to take with our beloved family. Borrowing money is fine. Just see to it that your resources are enough to pay it- on time.

Is Money Neccesary Evil

It is always believed that money is the root of all evils. Yes, it could be but it is not all-true. We need money for our needs. If used well, it is the greatest material asset you could have. But, if you let yourself get carried away with the things and the services money could afford without proper use would result to negative outcomes.

Money could be an angel and save you from worries and give you a life of comfort and of convenience.

On the other hand, it could lead to a worse situation.

• Money could be the source of the guts to be into gambling and other forms of vicious activities. This would further result to even worse outcomes.
• With money, materialism is also growing. Too much of it would be very negative in effect.
• People gets too reliant on money and laziness or tardiness are triggered. This of course plunges down the dignity of work.
• Money is the cause of selfishness and greed for most modern-day people. With the wrong perception that money would make one feel happy and secured, people do all means to covet it.
• Relationships are broken due to the disagreement in money matters. Feuds blow up when money is at stake.
• Money in form of prizes, people tend to rely on their luck by joining games of luck and become too impatient of working hard.
• Fraud in the government like corruption rooted from the influence of money.

As we see it, it is not money that is evil. How people see and consider money is what matters most. Through time, money has become the wrong core of lives people have. Due to such, misery wraps the world and it all falls back to the fact that majority of people around the globe has the thinking that money buys all and money influences all.

In a shallow look, these are true but beneath the materialistic worldly eyes, there are things that money could buy and the things that are of huge essence are not necessarily things.

Monetary Finances between the Poor and the Rich

Money, money, money…

This is the cause of all that is material but the reason why man struggles so hard. The value of money is so unstoppable now. It is so important though people always try to claim that it is not that so much important. The fact is so clear that money matters… a lot.

Around the world, money determines the status of a country in the international scene. The rich ones are of course- powerful. Those which are poor are usually the subject of oppression and discrimination. Even within a country, there is a big deal between rich families and the masses. Sad to say, the gap is so big. We could claim that equality exists but there are so many obvious reasons telling us that it does not. How come many stay on the street begging for alms when many just spend to waste their financial resources?

Money is the cause of imbalance. The world has in it a promise of equality but it seems strange. Third world countries have difficult times to finance all their affairs especially education and health aspects are neglected. For other rich countries, people live with comfort and the value of their piece of coin is as much as the value of the third world’s 12 hours.

This uneven distribution of wealth and finances greatly affect all. Some countries could finance big and expensive events for a night. It may include welcoming so many guests and showing off the riches of a place. For the poorest, their government could barely prioritize their basic needs over military equipment. According to statistics, there are an overwhelming number of hungry people most especially children. This is not overwhelming but a kick on our hearts.

Countries are creating a community of amity. They share what they have while others seek the help they needed. Why some countries’ finance not suffices their people’s mere existence? This is the saddest question to answer. Why? It is because the answer is still unknown.

On the other hand, poor countries do not seem to find means to escape the pity of big countries. They just live with donations. Low financial capacity is often coupled with blaming the society for all the misfortune. The point we want to stress out is, let us not let personal inadequacies to vanish into thin air. Does a poor country strive for its personal wealth? Let us say not necessarily finances.

There is a lot of wealth around us. They come in beautiful forms but we just think money conquers all.

Improving how to spend your money

Money may not be with you all throughout the year. There are downs and ups when we talk about the financial resources and income of an individual or family. In dealing with financial difficulties, there is a need to have budgeting techniques as early as possible. There is a need for us on how to master the art of stretching the capacity of our available money.

It is but normal to commit errors especially when you are not yet used to doing things your job calls for you to. But, do not make those mistakes that you would surely regret in the long run. As soon as you could, you have to develop a great way of managing to budget your money. There are some tips you could remind yourself of. These would be points you could use in making or establishing good means to improve the way you budget your money.

• Make a list of your unwanted budgeting habits. This includes all those you think of being not useful or helpful for you and your financial needs and financial security.
• You plan on what to do in order to tae the first steps in changing your old habits or acts in which they made your budget method a failure.
• Manage your income and the amount of money you spend by preparing a sort of tally sheet of such information.
• Prepare your spend plan. This must include your foreseen expenditures.
• Collect receipts and note bigger amount spent
• Limit spending by looking for some alternatives to it
• As much as possible do not uses much credit card or checks.

Those above-mentioned points are really a great reminder for you. If followed, you would clearly see the improvement in your budget techniques. It would surely result to better financial management capacities for you.

When this is achieved, you would definitely live a more satisfactory life. The right way of how you budget what you need as a winning one in the field of financing one’s self.

Debt Consolidation: An Alternative to Bankruptcy

Bankruptcy is when a person or business officially declares the inability to pay back creditors the money that was previously borrowed. This should only be done as a last resort, because bankruptcy will affect every aspect of your life. It will also affect your ability to get loans, mortgages, and credit card in the future. However, for some people, declaring bankruptcy means finding freedom once again. It wipes your slate clean so to speak, and you can start over again with your credit.

However, there are a number of things you should try before you declare bankruptcy. One of these things is debt consolidation. Deb consolidation cannot help everybody concerned with money problems, but for some, it is jus the boost needed to keep them from declaring bankruptcy.

Debt consolidation is basically taking all of your loans and paying them off using one large loan. You then have one monthly bill to pay instead of a number of smaller bills. This can save you money in the long run. Why? The one large loan will usually have a secured lower fixed interest rate. This is especially advisable if you are considering declaring bankruptcy because of high credit card debts.

Credit cards have very high interest rates—usually much higher than any other kind of loan. If you miss just one month of paying your card in full, you may never get back on track for paying off the balance. This can really start to add up if you find that you have more than one card. If you are far into debt, you can probably not get an unsecured loan from a financial institution, like a bank. However, you should be able to get a secured loan. A secured loan uses your house, car, or other possessions as collateral. With a lower interest rate, you can start making headway into your debt instead of simply making the minimum monthly payments. This will help you to avoid bankruptcy.

Consolidating your debts may not be the best choice for everyone. In fact, in some cases, bankruptcy is really the best way to get back on the financial fast track. However, it is important to realize that you have choices. If you don’t have to declare bankruptcy, avoid it and you will find that your life will be financially easier to handle in the future. It depends on your unique situation. Talk to a financial professional if you want more help learning about debt consolidation.